In a concerted effort to empower the youth and bridge the digital gap, the state government of Odisha has launched the Laptop Yojana, a visionary initiative aimed at providing access to essential technological tools. This scheme, operating under the umbrella of the Biju Yuva Sashaktikaran Yojana, signifies a pivotal step towards ensuring equitable opportunities for students across the state.
Overview of Laptop Yojana 2024:
– Scheme Name: Laptop Yojana
– Launched by: Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha
– Beneficiaries: Meritorious +2 students of Odisha
– Major Benefit: Provision of financial assistance for the purchase of laptops
– Scheme Objective: To enhance access to digital resources and facilitate academic excellence
– Scheme under: Biju Yuva Sashaktikaran Yojana
Objectives of the Scheme:
1. Digital Inclusion: Bridge the digital divide by providing laptops to deserving students.
2. Academic Empowerment: Empower students with essential technological tools to excel in their academic pursuits.
3. Financial Assistance: Offer financial support to meritorious students to purchase laptops, facilitating their educational journey.
4. Merit-Based Allocation: Ensure equitable distribution of resources based on academic merit and social equity.
5. Promotion of Higher Education: Encourage and facilitate higher education among students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.