NUALs CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2019 –

NUALs CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2019: The National University of Advanced Legal Studies has recently published a recruitment notification for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). Candidates who will appear in the Common Law Admission Test need to know the exam syllabus & pattern for better preparation. Candidates are strongly advised to read the official notification carefully for detailed information from CLAT official website i.e. Other details like CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern is given below.

National University of Advanced Legal Studies
CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2019
Important Information for Candidates
Common-Law Admission Test Exam Syllabus 2019
1) English including Comprehension:
The English section will test the candidate’s proficiency in English based on comprehension passages and grammar. In the comprehension section, candidates will be assessed on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein, etc. The grammar section requires correction of incorrect grammatical sentences, filling of blanks in sentences with appropriate words, etc.
2) General Knowledge & Current Affairs:
The General knowledge will be evaluated on the general awareness including static general knowledge. Questions on current affairs will test the candidates ’ on their knowledge of national and international current affairs.3) Mathematics:
This section will test the candidate’s knowledge of elementary mathematics, i.e. maths taught up to 10th Class.4) Legal Aptitude:
This section will test the candidate’s interest in the study of law, research aptitude, and problem-solving ability. Questions may include legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be ‘true’ in the real sense, candidates will have to assume the ‘truth’ of these propositions and answer the questions accordingly.

5) Logical Reasoning:
The purpose of the logical reasoning section is to test the candidate’s ability to identify patterns, logical links, and rectify illogical arguments. It may include a variety of logical reasoning questions such as syllogisms, logical sequences, analogies, etc. However, visual reasoning will not be tested.

Common-Law Admission Test Exam Pattern for UG Course
1) Maximum Marks: 200 Marks
2) Duration of CLAT 2018 Exam: 02:00 Hours
3) Multiple Choice Questions: 200 questions of one mark each
4) Negative Marking: 0.25 mark for each wrong answer
English including comprehension40
General Knowledge & Current Affairs50
Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability)20
Legal Aptitude50
Logical Reasoning40
Common-Law Admission Test Exam Pattern for PG Programme
1) Maximum Marks: 150 Marks
2) Duration of CLAT 2019 Exam: 02:00 Hours
3) Multiple Choice Questions: 150 questions of one mark each
4) Negative Marking: 0.25 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer
5) Syllabus – Questions will be asked from the following areas of Law
Constitutional Law50
Other Law Subject such as Contract, Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR, etc.50
Details about NUALs CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2019
Organization Name: National University of Advanced Legal Studies
Organization Website:
Name of The Exam: CLAT 2018 Exam
Admission For: UG & PG Programme
Notice For: Syllabus
Important Link
Download CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern pdf for UG & PG Programme
Click here
Official Website
More Details: The NUALs CLAT Exam Syllabus & Pattern will help the candidates to boost their confidence & enhance their preparation level. For more details about the exam, syllabus follows the official website.