Calcutta University Zoology Syllabus 2019 –


Calcutta University Zoology Exam Syllabus for B.Sc. Honors & General: The University of Calcutta has recently published the Zoology Exam Syllabus for B.Sc. Honours & General students. The syllabus for Zoology at the undergraduate level using the Choice Based Credit System has been framed in compliance with the model syllabus given by UGC. To get detailed information about Calcutta University Zoology Exam Syllabus follows the given article on this page.

The University of Calcutta
CU Zoology Syllabus for B.Sc. Honors & General 2019
Important Information for Candidates
Download Calcutta University Zoology Exam Syllabus for B.Sc. Honors
Part I: Semester I (Theory I – Non Chordates I)Part I: Semester I (Theory 2 – Ecology)
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course I: English Communication
Unit 1. Basics of Animal Classification (4 marks)
Unit 2. Protista and Metazoa (15 marks)
a. Protozoa
b. Metazoa
Unit 3. Porifera (6 marks)
Unit 4. Cnidaria (10 marks)
Unit 5. Ctenophora (2 marks)
Unit 6. Platyhelminthes (6 marks)
Unit 7. Nematoda (7 marks)
List of Practical – (Non-Chordates)
1. Study of the whole mount of Euglena, Amoeba, and Paramoecium.
2. Identification with reason and systematic position of Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium, Plasmodium vivax (from the prepared slides).
3. Identification with reason and systematic position of Sycon, Neptune’s Cup, Obelia, Physalia, Aurelia, Gorgonia, Metridium, Pennatula, Madrepora.
4. Identification with reason and systematic position and parasitic significance of adult Fasciola hepatica, Taenia sodium, and Ascarislumbricoides.
5. Staining, mounting, and identification of any biota from the gut of cockroach.
Unit 1. Introduction to Ecology (4 marks)
Unit 2. Population (20 marks)
Unit 3. Community (11 marks)
Unit 4. Ecosystem (10 marks)
Unit 5. Applied Ecology (5 marks)List of Practical (Ecology)
1. Study of life tables and plotting of survivorship curves of different types from the hypothetical/real data provided.
2. Determination of population density in a natural/hypothetical community by the quadrate method.
3. Manual calculation (with the help of scientific calculator only) of various indices with the knowledge of derivation (Simpson index, Morisita index, Shannon – Weiner diversity index for the same community).
4. Study of an aquatic ecosystem: Study of phytoplankton and zooplankton, Measurement of salinity, determination of pH, and Dissolved Oxygen content (Winkler’s method), Chemical Oxygen Demand, and free CO2.
5. Report on a visit to National Park / Biodiversity Park / Wildlife sanctuary / any place of ecological interest / ecological uniqueness / Zoological Garden etc.
Part I: Semester I (General Elective Theory 1 – Animal Diversity)Part I: Semester II (Non-Chordates)
Unit 1. Protista (3 marks)
Unit 2. Porifera (3 marks)
Unit 3. Radiata: (3 marks)
Unit 4. Acoelomates (2 marks)
Unit 5. Pseudocoelomates (3 marks)
Unit 6. Annelida (3 marks)
Unit 7. Arthropoda (4 marks)
Unit 8. Mollusca (4 marks)
Unit 9. Echinodermata (4 marks)
Unit 10. Protochordate (2 marks)
Unit 11. Pisces (3 marks)
Unit 12. Amphibia (4 marks)
Unit 13. Reptilia (4 marks)
Unit 14. Aves (4 marks)
Unit 15. Mammalia (4 marks)List of Practical (Animal Diversity Lab)
1. Identification of the following specimens:
a. Non Chordates: Noctiluca, Nereis, Aphrodite, Leech, Limulus, Hermit crab, Daphnia, Millipede, Centipede, Beetle, Chiton, Octopus, Asterias
b. Chordates: Balanoglossus, Amphioxus, Petromyzon, Pristis, Hippocampus, Icthyophis, Salamander, Rhacophorus, Draco, Uromastix, Naja, Viper, Crow, sparrow, Owl.
2. Study of following Permanent Slides: T. S. of Earthworm passing through pharynx, gizzard, and typhlosolar intestine.
3. Temporary mounts of:
a. Mouthparts of cockroach
b. Unstained mounts of placoid, cycloid and ctenoid scales
4. Dissections
a. Digestive and nervous system of Cockroach
b. Digestive and urinogenital system of Tilapia
Unit 1. Introduction (2 marks)
Unit 2. Annelida (10 marks)
Unit 3. Arthropoda (16 marks)
Unit 4. Onychophora (2 marks)
Unit 5. Mollusca (10 marks)
Unit 6. Echinodermata (8 marks)
Unit 7. Hemichordata (2 marks)List of Practical (Non-Chordates II)
1. Study of following specimens: (The scheme of Systematic position will be strictly followed as mentioned in theory syllabus)
a. Annelids – Aphrodite, Heteronereis, Sabella, Chaetopterus, Hirudinaria
b. Arthropods – Palamnaeus, Palaemon, Balanus, Cancer, Eupagurus, Scolopendra, Julus, Bombyx, Termites, and honey bees.
c. Mollusks – Dentalium, Patella, Chiton, Pila, Achatina, Laevicaulis alte (slug), Unio, Pinctada, Sepia, Octopus, Nautilus.
d. Echinodermata – Ophiura (Serpent star), Clypeaster (sand dollar), Echinus (sea urchin), Cucumaria (sea cucumber), and Antedon (Feather star)
2. Study of the anatomy of the digestive and nervous system of Pila.
Part I: Semester II (Cell Biology)Part I: Semester II (Human Physiology)
Unit 1. Overview of Cells (2 marks)
Unit 2. Plasma Membrane (6 marks)
Unit 3. Cytoplasmic organelles I (5 marks)
Unit 4. Cytoplasmic organelles II (6 marks)
Unit 5. Cytoskeleton (5 marks)
Unit 6. Nucleus (8 marks)
Unit 7. Cell Division (10 marks)
Unit 8. Cell Signaling (8 marks)List of Practical (Cell Biology)
1. Preparation of temporary stained squash of onion root tip to study various stages of mitosis
2. Study of various stages of meiosis from grasshopper testis
3. Preparation of permanent slide to show the presence of Barr body in human female blood cells/cheek cells
4. Preparation of permanent slide to demonstrate:
a. DNA by Feulgen reaction
b. Cell viability study by Trypan Blue staining
Unit 1. Digestion and Absorption of Food (8 marks)
Unit 2. The functioning of Excitable Tissue; Nerve and Muscle (10 marks)
Unit 3. Respiratory Physiology (6 marks)
Unit 4. Renal Physiology (6 marks)
Unit 5. Cardiovascular Physiology (8 marks)
Unit 6. Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology (12 marks)List of Practical (Human Physiology)
1. Preparation of temporary mounts: Neurons and Blood film.
2. Preparation of haemin and haemochromogen crystals.
3. Estimation of haemoglobin using Sahli’s haemoglobinometer.
4. Identification of permanent histological sections of mammalian oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, rectum, lung, kidney, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, testis, ovary.
Part II: Semester III (Chordates)Part II: Semester III (Animal Physiology)
Unit 1. Introduction to Chordates (2 marks)
Unit 2. Protochordata (6 marks)
Unit 3. Origin of Chordata (2 marks)
Unit 4. Agnatha (2 marks)
Unit 5. Pisces (6 marks)
Unit 6. Amphibia (6 marks)
Unit 7. Reptilia (8 marks)
Unit 8. Aves (8 marks)
Unit 9. Mammals (8 marks)
Unit 10. Zoogeography (2 marks)List of Practical (Chordates)
Identification of the animals with reason and systematic position
1. Protochordata: Balanoglossus, Branchiostoma
2. Agnatha: Petromyzon
3. Fishes: Scoliodon, Pristis, Torpedo, Heteropneustes, Labeo rohita, Exocoetus, Hippocampus, Anabas, Flat fish
4. Amphibia: Necturus, Bufo; Duttaphrynus melanostictus, Rana; Hoplobatrachus tigerinus, Hyla, Axolotl larva, Tylototriton.
5. Reptilia: Chelone, Trionyx, Hemidactylus, Varanus, Chamaeleon, Draco, Vipera, Naja, Hydrophis.
6. Mammalia: Bat; Insectivorous and frugivorous, Funambulus palmarum; Indian palm squirrel.
7. Pecten from Fowl eye.
8. Dissection of Brain and pituitary; ex-situ of Tilapia.
9. Powerpoint presentation on the study of habit, habitat or behavior of any one animal by students; for internal assessment only.
Animal Physiology: Controlling & Coordinating Systems
Unit 1. Tissues (4 marks)
Unit 2. Bone & Cartilage (4 marks)
Unit 3. Nervous System (10 marks)
Unit 4. Muscular system (10 marks)
Unit 5. Reproductive System (6 marks)
Unit 6. Endocrine System (16 marks)List of Practical (Animal Physiology: Controlling & Coordinating Systems)
1. Recording of cardiac and simple muscle twitch with electrical stimulation.
2. Preparation of temporary mounts: Squamous epithelium, Striated muscle fibres and nerve cells.
3. Study of permanent slides of section of skin, Spinal cord, Pancreas, Testis, Ovary, Adrenal, Thyroid, lung, pyloric stomach, cardiac stomach, small intestine, large intestine of mammalian; white rat tissues.
Part II: Semester III (Fundamentals of Biochemistry)Part II: Semester III (Chose Either Sec I)
Unit 1. Carbohydrates (8 marks)
Unit 2. Lipids (7 marks)
Unit 3. Proteins (10 marks)
Unit 4. Nucleic Acids (10 marks)
Unit 5. Enzymes (13 marks)
Unit 6. Oxidative Phosphorylation (2 marks)List of Practical (Fundamentals of Biochemistry Lab)
1. Qualitative tests of functional groups in carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Qualitative tests for Carbohydrate; Starch, Sucrose, Maltose, Fructose, Glucose, Protein; Albumin. Gelatin, Peptone, fat; Tests to be performed – Biuret test, Millon’s test, Iodine test, Benedict’s test, Barfoed test, Seliwanof’s test.
2. Paper chromatography of essential amino acids.
3. Quantitative estimation of water-soluble protein following Lowry’s Method
Skill Enhancement Course 1, Apiculture
Unit 1. Biology of Bees (2 marks)
Unit 2. Rearing of Bees (10 marks)
Unit 3. Diseases and Enemies (5 marks)
Unit 4. Bee Economy (2 marks)
Unit 5. Entrepreneurship in Apiculture (6 marks)
Part II: Semester III (General Elective Theory 3)
Food, Nutrition & Public Health
Unit 1. The basic concept of food and nutrition (6 marks)
Unit 2. Nutritional Biochemistry (16 marks)
Unit 3. Health (14 marks)
Unit 4. Food hygiene and Community healthList of Practical (Food Nutrition & Health Lab)
1. To detect adulteration in a Ghee b Sugars c Tea leaves and d Turmeric.
2. Lactose and calcium estimation in food by titrimetry
3. Methylene Blue Reductase Test; MBRT of Milk. Gram staining of Bacteria.
4. Study of the stored grain pests and mosquito vectors; Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes from slides/ photograph; Sitophilus Oryzae, Trogoderma granarium, identification, habitat and food sources, damage caused and control. Preparation of temporary mounts of the above-stored grain pests.
5. Project-Undertake computer aided diet analysis and Anthropometric nutritional assessment for different age groups. OR
6. Identify nutrient-rich sources of foods; fruits and vegetables, their seasonal availability and price. OR
7. Study of nutrition labeling on selected foods.
Part II: Semester IV (Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates)Part II: Semester IV (Animal Physiology – Life Sustaining Systems)
Unit 1. Integumentary System (6 marks)
Unit 2. Skeletal System (6 marks)
Unit 3. Digestive System (8 marks)
Unit 4. Respiratory System (6 marks)
Unit 5. Circulatory System (8 marks)
Unit 6. Urinogenital System (6 marks)
Unit 7. Nervous System (6 marks)
Unit 8. Sense Organs (4 marks)List of Practical (Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates)
1. Study of placoid, cycloid and ctenoid scales.
2. Study of the disarticulated skeleton of Toad, Pigeon andGuinea pig.
3. Identification of skulls: Pigeon, Guinea pig; herbivore and Dog; carnivore mammal.
4. Comparative studies of heart and brain, with the help of the model/picture.
5. Comparative studies of different types of feather pigeon and their distribution.
Unit 1. Physiology of Digestion (12 marks)
Unit 2. Physiology of Respiration (10 marks)
Unit 3. Physiology of Circulation (12 marks)
Unit 4. Physiology of Heart (8 marks)
Unit 5. Thermoregulation & Osmoregulation
Unit 6. Renal Physiology (8 marks)List of Practical (Animal Physiology – Life Sustaining Systems)
1. Determination of ABO Blood group.
2. Total count of RBC and WBC using hemocytometer.
3. Estimation of haemoglobin using Sahli’s haemoglobinometer /colorimetric/spectrophotometric techniques.
4. Preparation of haemin crystals and haemochromogen crystals.
5. Recording of blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer / digital meter.
Part II: Semester IV (Immunology)Part II: Semester IV (Insect Vectors and Diseases)
Unit 1. Overview of Immune System (2 marks)
Unit 2. Innate and Adaptive Immunity (8 marks)
Unit 3. Antigens (4 marks)
Unit 4. Immunoglobulins (8 marks)
Unit 5. Major Histocompatibility Complex (6 marks)
Unit 6. Cytokines (2 marks)
Unit 7. Complement System (6 marks)
Unit 8. Hypersensitivity (4 marks)
Unit 9. Immunology of diseases (6 marks)
Unit 10. Vaccines (4 marks)List of Practical (Immunology)
1. Demonstration of lymphoid organs in a diagram.
2. Histological study of Bursa Fabricius, spleen, thymus and lymph nodes through slides/ photographs.
3. Preparation of stained blood film to study various types of blood cells.
4. Demonstration of ELISA.
Unit 1. Introduction to Insects (2 marks)
Unit 2. The concept of Vectors (4 marks)
Unit 3. Insects as Vectors (6 marks)
Unit 4. Dipteran as Disease Vectors (20 marks)
Unit 5. Siphonaptera as Disease Vectors (6 marks)
Unit 6. Siphunculata as Disease Vectors (6 marks)
Unit 7. Hemiptera as Disease Vectors (6 marks)List of Practical (Insect Vectors and Diseases)1. 1.Study of different kinds of mouthparts of insect vectors
2. Study of following insect vectors through permanent slides/photographs: Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, Xenopsylla cheopis, Cimex lectularius, Phlebotomus argentipes, Musca domestica.
3. Study of different diseases transmitted by above insect vectors.
4. Submission of a project report on any one of the insect vectors and disease transmitted.
Part II: Semester IV (Sericulture)
Unit 1. Introduction (2 marks)
Unit 2. Biology of Silkworm (4 marks)
Unit 3. Rearing of Silkworms (10 marks)
Unit 4. Pests and Diseases (7 marks)
Unit 5. Entrepreneurship in Sericulture (2 marks)
Part III: Semester V (Molecular Biology)Part III: Semester V (Genetics)
Unit 1. Nucleic Acids (3 marks)
Unit 2. DNA Replication (9 marks)
Unit 3. Transcription (9 marks)
Unit 4. Translation (9 marks)
Unit 5. Post Transcriptional Modification and Processing of Eukaryotic RNA (8 Marks)
Unit 6. Gene Regulation (7 marks)
Unit 7. DNA Repair Mechanisms (2 marks)
Unit 8. Molecular Techniques (3 marks)List of Practical (Molecular Biology)
1. Demonstration of polytene and lampbrush chromosome from a photograph
2. Isolation and quantification of genomic DNA using UV spectrophotometer; Procedure/reference to be mentioned
3. Agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA
4. DNA isolation from goat liver
5. Differential Centrifugation of an artificially prepared mixture
6. Histological staining of DNA & RNA in the prepared slide.
Unit 1. Mendelian Genetics and its Extension (10 marks)
Unit 2. Linkage, Crossing Over and Chromosomal Mapping (10 marks)
Unit 3. Mutations (8 marks)
Unit 4. Sex Determination (8 marks)
Unit 5. Extra-chromosomal Inheritance (4 marks)
Unit 6. Recombination in Bacteria and Viruses (6 marks)
Unit 7. Transposable Genetic Elements (4 marks)List of Practical (Genetics)
1. Chi-square analyses of provided genetic data
2. Linkage maps based on three-point crossing over in Drosophila
3. Identification of chromosomal aberration in Drosophila and man from the photograph
4. Pedigree analysis of some human inherited traits.
Part III: Semester V (Fish & Fisheries)Part III: Semester V (Animal Behavior & Chronobiology)
Discipline-Specific Elective; DSET1
Unit 1. Introduction & Classification (4 marks)
Unit 2. Morphology and Physiology (14 marks)
Unit 3. Fisheries (10 marks)
Unit 4. Aquaculture (16 marks)
Unit 5. Fish in research (6 marks)
List of Practical (Fish & Fisheries)
1. Morphometric and meristic characters of fishes
2. Study of Petromyzon, Pristis, Chimaera, Exocoetus, Hippocampus, Heteropneustes, Anabas
3. Study of different types of scales
4. Study of crafts and gears used in Fisheries
5. Water quality criteria for Aquaculture: Assessment of pH, conductivity, Total solids, Total dissolved solids
6. Study of air-breathing organs in Channa, Heteropneustes, Anabas, and Clarias
7. Project Report on a visit to any Fish farm/ pisciculture unit/ Zebrafishrearing Lab.
Discipline-Specific Electives: DSET2
Unit 1. Introduction to Animal Behaviour (5 marks)
Unit 2. Patterns of Behaviour (6 marks)
Unit 3. Social Sexual Behaviour (15 marks)
Unit 4. Introduction to Chronobiology (10 marks)
Unit 5. Biological Rhythm (14 marks)
List of Practical (Animal Behavior & Chronobiology)
1. To study the nests and nesting habits of the birds and social insects.
2. To study the behavioral responses of woodlice to dry and humid conditions.
3. To study geotaxis behavior in the earthworm.
4. To study the phototaxis behavior in insect larvae.
5. Visit Forest/Wildlife Sanctuary/Biodiversity Park/Zoological park to Study the behavioral activities of animals and prepare a short report.
6. Study and actogram construction of locomotor activity of suitable animal models.
7. Study of circadian functions in humans; daily eating, sleep, and temperature patterns.
Part III: Semester VI (Developmental Biology)Part III: Semester VI (Endocrinology)
Unit 1. Introduction (2 marks)
Unit 2. Early Embryonic Development (20 marks)
Unit 3. Late Embryonic Development (8 marks)
Unit 4. Post Embryonic Development (12 marks)
Unit 5. An implication of Developmental Biology (8 marks)

List of Practical (Developmental Biology)
1. Study of whole mounts of development stages of a chick through permanent slides: Primitive streak, 24, 48, and 96 hours of incubation
2. Study of the development stages and life cycle of Drosophila
3. Study of different sections of the placenta; photo-micrograph / slides.
Discipline-Specific Electives Theory; DSET3
Unit 1. Introduction to endocrinology (4 marks)
Unit 2. Epiphysis, hypothalamohypophysial axis (16 marks)
Unit 3. Peripheral endocrine glands (16 marks)
Unit 4. Regulation of hormone action (14 marks)List of Practical (Endocrinology)
1. Demonstration of Endocrine glands in rat ; model/photograph.
2. Study of the permanent slides of thyroid, pancreas, ovary, testis, and adrenal.
3. Tissue fixation, embedding in paraffin, microtomy and slide preparation of any endocrine gland.
Part III: Semester VI (Evolutionary Biology)
Unit 1. (5 marks)
Life’s Beginnings: Chemogeny, RNA world, Biogeny, Origin of photosynthesis, and Evolution of eukaryotes
Unit 2 (5 marks)
Historical review of Evolutionary concepts, Lamarckism, Darwinism and Neo Darwinism
Unit 3 (6 marks)
Geological time scale with reference to origin and evolution of animals, the evolution of horse; Neutral theory of molecular evolution, Molecular clock
Unit 4 (5 marks)
Sources of variations: Heritable variations and their role in the evolution
Unit 5 (12 marks)
Population genetics: Hardy-Weinberg Law; application of the law to bi-allelic population; Evolutionary forces upsetting H-W equilibrium; Natural selection; the concept of fitness, types of selection, selection coefficient, mode of selection heterozygous superiority; Genetic Drift mechanism; founder’s effect, bottleneck phenomenon; Role of Migration and Mutation in changing allele frequencies.
Unit 6 (6 marks)
Species concept, Isolating mechanisms, modes of speciation; Adaptive radiation/macroevolution; exemplified by Galapagos finches
Unit 7 (2 marks)
Extinctions, Back ground, and mass extinctions; causes and effects, detailed example of K-T extinction
Unit 8 (6 marks)
Origin and Evolution of Man, Unique Hominid characteristics contrasted with primate characteristic; Molecular analysis of the human origin
Unit 9 (3 marks)
Phylogenetic trees, Construction & interpretation of Phylogenetic tree using parsimony, Convergent & Divergent evolution.List of Practical (Evolutionary Biology)
1. Study of fossils from models/ pictures
2. Study of homology and analogy from suitable specimens
3. Study and verification of Hardy -Weinberg Law by chi-square analysis
4. Graphical representation and interpretation of data of the height/weight of a sample of 100 humans in relation to their age and sex.
Part III: Semester VI (Parasitology)
Discipline Specific Electives Theory; DSET4
Unit 1. Introduction to Parasitology (2 marks)
Unit 2. Parasitic Protists (12 marks)
Unit 3. Parasitic Platyhelminthes (12 marks)
Unit 4. Parasitic Nematodes (12 marks)
Unit 5. Parasitic Arthropods (10 marks)
Unit 6. Parasite Vertebrates (2 marks)
List of Practical (Parasitology)
1. Study of life stages of Giardia intestinalis, Trypanosoma gambiense, Leishmania donovani through microphotographs
2. Study of adult and life stages of Ancylostoma duodenal, through microphotographs
3. Study of Pediculus humanus, Xenopsylla cheopis and Cimex lectularius through photographs
4. Study of monogeneans from the gills of fresh/marine fish [Gills can be procured from fish market as by-product of the industry]
5. Study of nematode/cestode parasites from the intestines of poultry bird [Intestine can be procured from poultry/market as a by-product]
6. Submission of a brief report on parasitic vertebrates
Download Calcutta University Zoology Syllabus for B.Sc General
Core Course I: Animal Diversity Theory
Unit 1. Kingdom Protista (4 marks)
Unit 2. Phylum Porifera (3 marks)
Unit 3. Phylum Cnidaria (3 marks)
Unit 4. Phylum Platyhelminthes (3 marks)
Unit 5. Phylum Nemathelminthes (5 marks)
Unit 6. Phylum Annelida (3 marks)
Unit 7. Phylum Arthropoda (5 marks)
Unit 8. Phylum Mollusca (4 marks)
Unit 9. Phylum Echinodermata (4 marks)
Unit 10. Protochordate (2 marks)
Unit 11. Agnatha (2 marks)
Unit 12. Pisces (4 marks)
Unit 13. Amphibia (4 marks)
Unit 14. Reptiles (4 marks)
Unit 15. Aves (5 marks)
Unit 16. Mammals (5 marks)Practical
1. Identification of the following specimens Amoeba, Euglena, Plasmodium, Paramecium, Sycon, Obelia, Physalia, Aurelia, Metridium, Taenia solium, Ascaris lumbricoides;Male and female, Aphrodite, Nereis, Pheretima, Hirudinaria, Palaemon, Cancer, Limulus, Palamnaeus, Julus, Apis, Chiton, Dentalium, Unio, Loligo, Sepia, Octopus, Pentaceros, Echinus, Cucumaria and Antedon, Balanoglossus, Branchiostoma, Petromyzon, Sphyrna, Pristis, Torpedo, Labeo bata, Exocoetus, Ichthyophis, Salamandra, Hyla, Chelone, Hemidactylus, Chamaeleon, Draco, Vipera, Naja, Any six common birds from different orders, Bat, Funambulus
2. Key for Identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
3. Study of anatomy of digestive system, salivary gland, mouth parts of Periplaneta
4. Study of anatomy of digestive system, osphradium, radula of Pila
5. An animal album containing photographs, cut-outs, with an appropriate write up about the above-mentioned taxa. Different taxa/ topics may be given to different sets of students for this purpose.
Core Course II: Comparative Anatomy & Development Biology of Vertebrates
Unit 1. Integumentary System (4 marks)
Unit 2. Skeletal System (3 marks)
Unit 3. Digestive System (4 marks)
Unit 4. Respiratory System (5 marks)
Unit 5. Circulatory System (4 marks)
Unit 6. Urino-genital System (4 marks)
Unit 7. Nervous System (3 marks)
Unit 8. Sense Organs (3 marks)
Unit 9. Early Embryonic Development (12 marks)
Unit 10. Late Embryonic Development (10 marks)
Unit 11. Control of Development (8 marks)Practical
1. Osteology
a. Disarticulated skeleton of pigeon
b. Mammalian skulls: One herbivorous ;Guinea pig and one carnivorous ;Dog animal.
2. Toad – Study of developmental stages – whole mounts and sections through permanent slides – cleavage stages, blastula, gastrula, neurula, tail bud stage, tadpole external and internal gill stages.
3. Study of the different types of placenta- histological sections through photomicrographs
4. Examination of gametes – frog/rat – sperm and ova through permanent slides or
Core Course III: Physiology & Bio-Chemistry
Unit 1. Nerve and Muscle (8 marks)
Unit 2. Digestion (5 marks)
Unit 3. Respiration (5 marks)
Unit 4. Excretion (5 marks)
Unit 5. Cardiovascular system (6 marks)
Unit 6. Reproduction and Endocrine Glands (7 marks)
Unit 7. Carbohydrate Metabolism (8 marks)
Unit 8. Lipid Metabolism (5 marks)
Unit 9. Protein metabolism (5 marks)
Unit 10. Enzymes (6 marks)
1. Preparation of haemin and hemochromogen crystals
2. Study of permanent histological sections of mammalian pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal gland
3. Study of permanent slides of duodenum, liver, lung, kidney
4. Qualitative tests to identify functional groups of carbohydrates in given solutions ;Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Lactose.
Core Course IV: Genetics & Evolutionary Biology
Unit 1. Introduction to Genetics (3 marks)
Unit 2. Mendelian Genetics and its Extension (8 marks)
Unit 3. Linkage, Crossing Over, and Chromosomal Mapping (9 marks)
Unit 4. Mutations (7 marks)
Unit 5. Sex Determination (4 marks)
Unit 6. History of Life (2 marks)
Unit 7. Introduction to Evolutionary Theories (5 marks)
Unit 8. Direct Evidence of Evolution (5 marks)
Unit 9. Processes of Evolutionary Change (9 marks)
Unit 10. Species Concept (6 marks)
Unit 11. Macro-evolution (5 marks)
Unit 12. Extinction (6 marks)
1. Study of Mendelian Inheritance and gene interactions; Non-Mendelian Inheritance using suitable examples. Verify the results using Chi-square test.
2. Study of Linkage, recombination, gene mapping using the data.
3. Study of Human Karyotypes ;normal and abnormal.
4. Study of fossil evidences from plaster cast models and pictures
5. Study of homology and analogy from suitable specimens/pictures
6. Charts:
a. Phylogeny of horse with diagrams/cut outs of limbs and teeth of horse ancestors
b. Darwin’s Finches with diagrams/cut outs of beaks of different species
7. Visit Natural History Museum and submission of report.
Discipline Specific Elective Course I (Applied Zoology)Discipline Specific Elective Course 2 (Aquatic Biology Theory)
Unit 1. Introduction to Host-parasite Relationship (3 marks)
Unit 2. Epidemiology of Diseases (7 marks)
Unit 3. Rickettsiae and Spirochaetes (6 marks)
Unit 4. Parasitic Protozoa (8 marks)
Unit 5. Parasitic Helminthes (5 marks)
Unit 6. Insects of Economic Importance (8 marks)
Unit 7. Insects of Medical Importance (8 marks)
Unit 8. Animal Husbandry (5 marks)
Unit 9. Poultry Farming (5 marks)
Unit 10. Fish Technology (5 marks)Practical – 25 marks
1. Study of Plasmodium vivax, Entamoeba histolytica, Trypanosoma gambiense, Ancylostoma duodenale and Wuchereria bancrofti and their life stages through permanent slides/photomicrographs or specimens.
2. Study of arthropod vectors associated with human diseases: Pediculus, Culex, Anopheles, Aedes and Xenopsylla.
3. Study of insect damage to different plant parts/stored grains through damaged products/photographs.
4. Identifying feature and economic importance of Helicoverpa ;Heliothisarmigera, Papilio demoleus, Pyrilla perpusilla, Callosobruchus chinensis, Sitophilus oryzaeand Tribolium castaneum.
5. Visit to poultry farm or animal breeding centre. Submission of visit report
6. Maintenance of freshwater aquarium.
Unit 1. Aquatic Bionics (15 marks)
Unit 2. Freshwater Biology (15 marks)
Unit 3. Marine Biology (15 marks)
Unit 4. Management of Aquatic Resources (15 marks)Practical – 25 marks
1. Determine the area of a lake using graphimetric and gravimetric method
2. Identify the important macrophytes, phytoplanktons and zooplanktons present in a lake ecosystem.
3. Determine the amount of Turbidity/transparency, Dissolved Oxygen, Free Carbon dioxide, in water collected from a nearby lake/water body
4. Instruments used in limnology ;Secchi disc, Van Dorn Bottle, Conductivity meter, Turbidity meter, PONAR grab sampler and their significance.
5. A Project Report on a visit to a Sewage treatment plant/Marine bio-reserve/Fisheries Institutes.
Discipline Specific Elective Courses 3 (Insect, Vectors & Diseases)
Unit 1. Introduction to Insects (6 marks)
Unit 2. Concept of Vectors (6 marks)
Unit 3. Insects as Vectors (8 marks)
Unit 4. Dipteran as Disease Vectors (24 marks)
Unit 5. Siphonaptera as Disease Vectors (6 marks)
Unit 6. Siphunculata as Disease Vectors (4 marks)
Unit 7. Hemiptera as Disease Vectors (6 marks)
1. Study of different kinds of mouth parts of insects
2. Study of following insect vectors through permanent slides/
photographs: Aedes, Culex, Anopheles, Pediculus humanus capitis, Pediculus humanus corporis, Phithirus pubis, Xenopsylla cheopis, Cimex lectularius, Phlebotomus argentipes, Musca domestica, through permanent slides/ photographs
3. Study of different diseases transmitted by the above insect vectors. Submission of a project report on any one of the insect vectors and disease transmitted.
Details about CU Zoology Exam Syllabus2019
Organization Name: Calcutta University
Organization Website:
Name of the Course: B.Sc. Honours & General
Name of the Subject: Zoology
Notice For: Syllabus
Important Link
Download Calcutta University Zoology Syllabus for B.Sc Honours & General
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Official Website
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More Details: Those candidates willing to take admission in Zoology Honours can download Calcutta University Zoology Syllabus for B.Sc. Honours & General from the given link on this page. For more details about Calcutta University Zoology Syllabus for B.Sc. Honours & General candidates should follow the official website or notification.


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